Insurance Information
AIC Athletics Sustained Injuries/Illnesses
These injuries/illnesses are sustained as a DIRECT result of participation in CARA*. CARA activity includes competition, practice, skill instruction, individual workouts as required or supervised by an institution’s coaching staff and required participation in camps or clinics by the institution.
*CARA is “countable athletically related activity.” It is any required activity with an athletics purpose that involves student-athletes and is at the direction of, or supervised by, any member of an institution’s coaching staff, including strength and conditioning coaches. These activities must be counted toward a student-athlete’s daily and weekly limitations.
Non-AIC Athletics Sustained Injuries/Illnesses
These injuries/illnesses are sustained outside of participation in CARA. Non-athletic sustained injuries/illnesses are not in the scope of care of AIC’s Sports Medicine team. Non-athletic sustained injuries/illnesses are to be referred to Dexter Health Services, the student-athletes PCP or another medical doctor for diagnosis, treatment, and care. Non-athletic sustained injuries/illnesses are not coverable by AIC’s athletic accident insurance, and the student-athlete is financially responsible for all medical bills as a result of the treatment needed. The student-athlete must also present medical documentation of their ability to return to intercollegiate athletics at AIC.
Out of Network Physician Visits for Injuries/Illnesses
Athletes who seek medical consultation for any injury or illness outside the AIC network must provide written documentation of clinical notes and plan of care before returning to participation. Documentation must include the date of visit, reason for visit and recommended participation status for athletics. Clearance for all injuries and illness MUST be provided by a DO, MD, NP, or PA. Physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, etc, do NOT have authority to medically clear an athlete to return to play.
When a student-athlete seeks outside care for an injury/illness that may affect their participation status, it is unlikely that the AIC supervising physician will agree to provide follow up care that includes “overruling” of another physician. Student athletes who seek outside care should inform their athletic trainer so appropriate documentation can be obtained.
If a student-athlete seeks medical consultation outside of AIC, the student-athlete is required to inquire about the AIC secondary insurance policy. If the student-athlete does not present the secondary insurance policy at the time of service, it is the student-athlete’s responsibility to call and inform the service provider about appropriate billing for services. The student-athlete is responsible for following up on all bills for service.
Primary Insurance
The AIC athlete will be responsible for providing proof of insurance that provides coverage for medical services in case of injury/illness suffered as a result of participation in athletics while at AIC. The insurance policy may not only provide coverage for emergency room visits and must cover imaging and referral to orthopedics. Proof of insurance is required by AIC and will also be recorded in AIC’s EMR software. If the student-athlete’s insurance is not accepted by AIC during the first-year registration, the student-athlete will be emailed and informed that they need to enroll in and purchase AIC’s student-athlete policy through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. If the student-athlete does not go through the insurance portal, they will be automatically enrolled by October 15th of the year of participation, and the cost of the insurance plan will be added to their bill. For more information, AIC student-athletes should contact Student Accounts.
In the event that the student-athlete’s insurance is a state plan in which only some coverage is authorized in case of emergencies in MA, the Secondary Insurance policy will cover the rest of the bills submitted, as long as the bills are submitted by the student-athlete in a timely manner. For more information, please see “Student-Athlete Supplemental Secondary Insurance Policy.”
In the event that the student-athlete’s insurance changes at any point between academic years, it is the student-athlete’s responsibility to inform the AIC Athletic Training Staff in order to ensure coverage is adequate before the student-athlete continues to participate in AIC Athletics. If the student-athlete’s insurance changes and the AIC Athletic Training staff does not have adequate or correct insurance information, the responsibility is on the student-athlete to ensure all bills are resubmitted to their primary insurance and secondary policy.
Student-Athlete Supplemental Secondary Insurance Policy (BMI)
In the event that an AIC varsity student-athlete is injured during an official team practice or game, AIC has supplementary secondary insurance through Bob McCloskey Insurance to help defer the cost of medical bills that may be incurred. This coverage is only for injuries/illnesses/accidents resulting from the direct participation in the intercollegiate athletics program during the dates of the primary competitive season and designated off-seasons as approved by the Director of Athletics according to NCAA regulations.
BMI Billing
Medical bills are submitted to the student-athlete’s primary insurance provider FIRST.
Medical bills are often submitted by the medical provider to the student-athlete’s personal primary insurance first. In this case, the student-athlete or their parents/guardians would submit the remaining itemized bills and the explanation of benefits (EOB) to BMI second, after their insurance paid their maximum amount.
BMI will then review and evaluate the payment of any remaining balances. This submission of bills / statements to BMI is the responsibility of the student-athlete and their parents/guardians. However, the AIC Athletic Training Staff will explain, give the necessary information, and assist the student-athlete in the process.
It is the policy holder’s responsibility to forward ITEMIZED bills/statements AND Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Statements from the primary insurance company to the following address to ensure timely payment.
BMI Benefits
PO Box 511
Matawan, NJ 07747
Phone: (800) 445-3126
Fax: (732) 583-9610
The AIC Athletic Training Department and the AIC Department of Athletics WILL NOT be responsible for any delays in payment, collections notices, credit reports, etc. that occur due to bills not being submitted by the student-athlete in a timely manner. Any unpaid balances are the responsibility of the student-athlete and/or the student-athlete’s parent(s)/guardian(s).
In addition, if a student-athlete decides to see a physician/medical consultant, and/or undergo a diagnostic test WITHOUT prior authorization/referral from a member of the AIC Athletic Training Department, payment of excess balances cannot be guaranteed and the student-athlete and/or the student-athlete’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may be financially responsible for all medical bills incurred.
Student-Athletes with Out-of-Network Insurance Providers
If the student-athlete’s insurance company denies any claim for being out-of-network or not having the proper pre-authorization, common with HMO insurances, BMI Benefits will pay the remaining balance. The claim MUST still be submitted to the student-athlete’s primary insurance provider. It is the student-athlete or policy holder’s responsibility to forward the denied claim from their insurance provider to BMI Benefits. BMI Benefits will only pay the remaining balance once they see the denial from the primary insurance provider.
The AIC Athletic Training Staff strongly encourages student-athletes and their parents to contact their personal primary insurances to explain that the student-athlete is attending college in an out-of-network area and participating in an intercollegiate sport. The student-athletes are strongly encouraged to find out how they should handle any injuries and if any exceptions can be made secondary to the student-athlete’s situation. The student-athlete and their parents are strongly encouraged to contact their personal primary insurance before ALL physician appointments and/or diagnostic testing (x-ray, MRI, etc). The AIC Sports Medicine Team will make every effort to assist the student-athlete to ensure coverage is approved, but ultimately it is the responsibility of the student-athlete and their family.
Secondary Insurance Claims Filing Procedure
When an AIC student-athlete suffers an injury that requires a medical service that needs to be billed through insurance, the athletic trainer’s responsibilities are:
To document the injury, date of injury, and referral needs in Healthy Roster
To ensure the insurance information in Healthy Roster is correct and current for the student-athlete
To inform the student-athlete they need to complete a BMI Claim form in order to get all pertinent billing information to BMI in a timely manner
To ensure the BMI form is completed, signed, and the primary insurance, contact information, and injury specifics are correct
To fax the completed BMI Claim form to BMI
To date stamp the faxed form with the date faxed, and file the claim in the year’s claim folder
To give a copy of the BMI secondary athletic accident insurance information to the student-athlete to present at all of their medical service appointments